Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeHealth & FitnessChild Psychologist's Tips: 3 Things to Say to Mad Kids

Child Psychologist’s Tips: 3 Things to Say to Mad Kids

Handling a kid’s anger is tough. As someone who’s worked a lot with kids and their emotions, I’ve figured out that anger isn’t always bad. Emotions tell us things, and anger shows us something’s wrong, like feeling hurt or treated badly.

Think about when you last got mad. You probably felt it made sense then.

But, learning to show anger in a good way is important. Here are three things I think parents should say more when their kids are mad or upset:

  1. “I get that you’re mad about this, and I see why.”

To us adults, getting angry might not seem like a big deal, but for kids, it can be really tough and seem really unfair. Kids need to know we get what they’re feeling. This helps them handle their emotions better.

[Click here for more tips.]


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