Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeHealth & FitnessIn 2024, Skip Traditional Dieting and Opt for This Lifestyle

In 2024, Skip Traditional Dieting and Opt for This Lifestyle

Mediterranean living emphasizes meals as occasions for camaraderie rather than just eating great food. It’s the shared moments, conversations, and laughter that truly matter.

Experts attribute the success of the Mediterranean diet to this lifestyle. By incorporating walks and a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and reducing red meat and sugar intake, this approach has been deemed the top diet for the sixth consecutive year.

Skeptical? Research indicates this dietary habit helps avert various health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, heart conditions, strokes, and even depression.

Let’s rethink dieting in the upcoming year and instead celebrate food as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. CNN’s newsletter, “Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style,” is dedicated to this nutritious and enjoyable way of eating.

Here’s how to start a healthier eating pattern with five beginner tips from the newsletter:

Prioritize Whole Grains

Embark on your Mediterranean diet journey by upgrading your grains. Choose whole wheat bread and pasta, and substitute white rice with brown or wild rice.

Experiment with “ancient grains” like quinoa, amaranth, millet, farro, spelt, Kamut (supposedly unearthed in an Egyptian tomb), and teff (originating from Ethiopia). 

Each has a unique flavor and texture, so try experimenting with a new one every month to find your favorites.

Click here for the rest of the Mediterranean tips.


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