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Unlocking the Secret to Canine Wellness: Katherine Heigl Reveals the Hidden Dangers in Dog Food and the Power of Canine Superfoods for a Healthier, Happier Pet!

Want your dog to be super healthy and live a long life? You need to know this.

Famous actress and dog lover Katherine Heigl has a big warning about our furry friends’ food.

Her foundation saved a ton of dogs – over 16,000! 

And she’s noticed something worrying. It’s not just what the dogs are eating; it’s something hidden in their food that’s causing trouble.

“Kibble and canned foods are often cooked at really high temperatures, and when that happens you can get things called advanced glycation end products, or A.G.E.s”, Heigl says. “These are toxic to your dog’s health.”

Cheap ingredients and poor cooking methods can lead to joint problems, mushy poops, bad odors, itchy skin, and a host of other unexplained issues.

Fortunately, there are things we dog owners can do.

“What we’re seeing is that there are special foods and herbs that do wonders for a dog’s health. We call them canine superfoods,” says Heigl.

“If your dog has any of these issues, you want to get these superfoods into their diet immediately.”

Now, for the first time ever, Katherine Heigl has created a short video explaining her exact health boosting method along with step-by-step instructions for how to do it at home.

The video is presented below, free and uninterrupted. The video has now gone viral, with viewers saying their dogs’ health improved in a matter of weeks or even days.



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